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Symptoms of Cat Poisoning

Symptoms of Cat Poisoning

Cat poisonings are rare, but they do happen on occasion. From household cleaners to toxic house plants, our Modesto vets explain some common substances that are poisonous to cats, and what to do if you think your cat has been poisoned.

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Is constipation in dogs an emergency?

Is constipation in dogs an emergency?

At American Pet Hospital we know that constipation in dogs may not seem like a serious problem but it can be a sign of a serious veterinary emergency. Today our Modesto vets explain some causes of constipation in dogs and what you should do if your dog is constipated.

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Life Expectancy for Dogs Diagnosed With Cancer

Life Expectancy for Dogs Diagnosed With Cancer

Faced with a cancer diagnosis for their dog, the first question many pet parents ask our Modesto vets is, "How long can my dog live with cancer?'. Today we explain why that's such a difficult question to answer.

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Types of Cat Cancer & Related Symptoms

Types of Cat Cancer & Related Symptoms

Because our feline friends are so good at hiding signs of discomfort, cancer in cats often goes undetected until the condition reaches more advanced stages. Yet spotting and treating cancer early gives your cat their best shot at a good outcome. To help you spot the earliest signs, today our Modesto vets explain some common cat cancers, their symptoms, and treatments. 

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Why is my dog breathing fast?

Why is my dog breathing fast?

You have just noticed that your dog is breathing fast but hasn't been exercising or playing. Is this something to be concerned about? Our Modesto vets share some of the reasons why your dog might be breathing fast, and when to call the vet. 

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Cat Not Eating - Why It Happens & What To Do

Cat Not Eating - Why It Happens & What To Do

If your feline friend suddenly decides not to eat, you're bound to be concerned. Here, our Modesto vets explain a few reasons why cats stop eating, provide tips on how to help your cat get their appetite back, and when to head to the vet.

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Broken Bones in Dogs & What To Do

Broken Bones in Dogs & What To Do

Many dogs love to play hard and get rough, which means that they are at a high risk for injuries such as broken bones. In today's post our Modesto vets discuss broken bones in dogs, how you can tell if your dog has a broken bone, and what to do if your dog breaks a leg.

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When To Take Your Cat or Dog To The Emergency Vet

When To Take Your Cat or Dog To The Emergency Vet

Emergency health issues and accidents can strike our pets at any time. Today our Modesto vets provide a few examples of situations that warrant emergency care and what you should do if your dog or cat is experiencing a health emergency.

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Why won't my cat drink water?

Why won't my cat drink water?

You know that your cat's health depends upon good nutrition and ample hydration, but what if your cat won't drink water? These tips from our Modesto vets may help to explain why your cat won't drink and what you can do to help prevent your cat from becoming dehydrated.

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Hepatitis in Dogs - A Pet Parent's Guide

Hepatitis in Dogs - A Pet Parent's Guide

Hepatitis can result in some very serious, or even life-threatening symptoms for your dog. Here our Modesto vets explain the types of hepatitis seen in dogs, the most common symptoms of hepatitis, as well as treatments and prevention.

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